Mediterranean Restaurant

Mediterranean Food shish kebab

The best shish kabob (kabab or kebab) :

Mediterranean Food shish kebab I have tried several cuts in the past, and was always disappointed at the tough and chewy kabobs I ended up with. I finally gave in and went for beef tenderloin or filet mignon, which is absolutely tender and buttery. The downside to filet mignon is, of course, the big price tag; if you are grilling for a crowd, a less expensive choice is tip sirloin.

Shish kabob (or kebab, if you prefer), literally means “gobbets of meat roasted on a spit or skewers.” This awesome concept is Mediterranean in origin, the earliest mentions point to the Turks and Byzantine Greeks. And second to kofta, beef shish kabob is probably the most popular of kabobs today where I come from.